Fido’s Energy Giant

Swedish Animation Studio Fido flexes their muscles to animate this story about building the sustainable future for RWE. Together with German agency Jung von Matt, they developed the main character and and the story of being big and proud of it.

“The challenge was to create a character that is not a creature that people fear nor a human being” says Jens Pfau from JVM. The biggest challenges in the four-month production time were the facial expessions, skin and hair of the character and to define that “special edge that makes the world magical.”

Originally conceived as an in-house corporate video, the clip will premier in German cinemas to mark the launch of the new Harry Potter film. “If people like him, he might have a long future, doing some good deeds.”

(Here‘s the video in english language.)




Watered my eyes!
7 stars!


what does a german client with a german agency in sweden? no offense, this one looks really nice. i liked it alot

Mate Steinforth

That’s what I want to know, too! They should’ve done it in germany! ;)


Hey Sekow & Mate, I`m wondering about for so long – lots and lots of highend work for German commercials is sent to 1st Ave, TheMill, Fido, Big Lazy Robot & Furia etc.


shame about the discovery ident vibe with the music…


I disagree, i like the music, it adds to the friendliness of the giant. Thanks for sharing I like it a lot!

Lilian Darmono

So heartwarming and lovable….that character’s facial movements and gestures are so well done..intended as an inhouse corporate video? Hell it deserves international viewing everywhere..maybe all those who don’t recycle or throw their ciggy butts all over the place can be persuaded to love the earth a bit more…

Good post, Mate! what does the tagline mean?


The tagline means, roughly translated:
“It can be so easy to make big things happen, when you are a giant.”


Great Work with the facial expressions. Nice work guys nice work.

Marc B.

Lovable? Sure.

It’s just missing something on the visual level I know the Mill or Framestore could’ve achieved much better.

Gosh I’m such a nitpicker.


look how green the cute giant is:

this ad is such a LIE!


That’s always a tough subject. Who to work for, and at what price. Discussing worth, we designers have the power to shape the world. Where lie your boundaries, and our boundaries as a collective? The problem is if you refuse a job like this, there is someone else who would do it.
Hypothetically we could make a ban list and all refuse to work for certain companies, if we all do it, they would have a big problem unless they get of the ban list. And can only get off if they change for the good.
Too bad money buys everything

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