Michael Wiehart Launches


After six fruitful years at Superfad’s NYC office, Michael Wiehart ventures out on his own.

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About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



NICE! Seriously sweet inventive work here. Lots of brilliant styles from one talented son-of-a-gun.


Absolutely. Some amazing work, very talented indeed.
Not too keen on his ‘info’ section though. Reminds me of a 14 year olds myspace page, but this has nothing to do with his work. Just a tad wanky I thought.


Agreed. Those talents should all be implied by the work.

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