David Lewandowski: Late for Meeting

Fans of David Lewandowski’s weirdly entertaining “Going to the Store” will be happy to know that a sequel has been released, “Late for Meeting.”

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About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.


Ruoyu Li

dis is what happens when you start giving in to every client feedback….


lost in translation


with advertising this time.


Man, what happened to this guy? His works just gone downhill.
I mean, c’mon, that car skidding across the asphalt on the roof didn’t even leave any marks on the ground… dafuq?

For real though, I enjoyed this and am listening to this on repeat for the remainder of the day. Good job dlew.


guess i forgot to put “/sarcasm”.
I thought it was clear though, I DO like the piece.


run out of ideas make a sequel of a silly youtube video…… get tons of views, goal accomplished. i thought we got the idea the first time. this new version brings nothing new to the table really.


You silly berk. Its just a bit of harmless fun, not everything needs to push boundaries and reinvent the wheel. It was funny before, its funny now and a dare say it would be funny in the future.

On a non-berk-note It reminds me of “poonikins the magic warrior princess” The framing is quite similar at the end too.


Why all the hate, nerds? This is probably one of the best videos to happen to the motion world in years…

Tyquane Wright

That sss along with lighting and compositing looks really nice on some of those shots. Ha…an even better technical job that the original.


The best. Made me smile. Loved the first one and love this one just as much. So good!!

jake collins

i think it was very cute like how he was naked

105 Pariis

The weird moves made my day. Would be cooler with a naked twerking huge fat woman huh.


love it Dlew! You rock.


Can’t get this tune out of ma headddd

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