MK12 update!

I was losing hope, sadly. But my unsatisfied appetite for mk12 has been temporarily assuaged. There is a new trailer for ‘History of America‘, and as I watched it, with an uncontrollable grin, I’m sure I looked like a kid in a candy shop. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a long time. It looks absolutely beautiful. I’m so glad it still is in the works and clearly on it’s way to us. I’m curious what the distribution will entail.

While there isn’t much new on the site, there a couple things. Most notably, a small pop up advertising their involvement with the graphic elements in ‘Stranger than Fiction’. I’ve yet to see it, but I definitely plan to. The idea of motion graphic design becoming more integrated into films is pretty exciting to me.

Anyway, thanks mk12, for letting us know you are still out there.



Thanks tread for letting us know you are still there too


The execution for “Stranger Than Fiction” was flawless. With some great type and iconography to boot.


Plus the movie kicked ass.


my unsatisfied appetite for mk12 has been temporarily assuaged.

wow…… who cares what you think about MK12?
They have been doing cool stuff for a long time now… why would you think they arent anymore?

anyway, that film looks really cool, 2007 it is!



Motion Graphics setting such an important landmark in movies, reminds me of what happened back then in the Minority Report days with the touch secreen. Aside form that totally go see Stanger than Fiction, great cast, acting and very unique story.


Whenever I see work from MK12 I think about Kansas City, MO. and what a fresh little city that is. The art district that they have ther is pretty hoppin. So cool and encouraging to see strong work coming from the mid-west. Keep it up Mk12.


cant wait for the movie … look fab

Someone says

THA-Don makes me laugh. Everything that comes from this kids mouth makes me think of “the small bus”.

The nature of your statement above is priceless…
“Who cares what you think. By the way, here is what I think.”

Jeremy Fuksa: Creative Generalist

MK12 gives the rest of us Kansas Citians a good name.


this font make me crazy, in th ewhole spot only one or two scenes look interesting. the others are just crappy nixen of a shitload of filters…
their old work war inspiring.


this don’t make me crazy, in the whole spot only one or two scenes look interesting. the others are just crappy mixes of a shitload of filters…
their old work war inspiring.

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