Move over Cee-Lo

I recently saw a new music video on the latest edition of Stash for the hip-hop group Subtle, directed by the uber-talented SSSR of passion pictures. After hearing the song, I had to buy the album, and found this lovely description of Subtle’s music…

‘If Cee-Lo truly went ”Crazy” and paired up with a producer much wilier than Danger Mouse, he’d sound something like the gnarled sound collages of Subtle.’

Which I completely agree with. Awesome music, and an awesome video. I knew it looked familiar, because upon a little digging, I found out that SSSR did another video in the past for Subtle, for the track FKO (which by the way, stands for F*ck Kelly Osbourne), which I remember seeing a couple years ago and loving. THEN I found out that that video was the first part of a trilogy of music videos for Subtle, which is a tight idea, and not one I’ve heard of being done before… but who knows, probably has been. Anyway, here’s the trilogy. Awesome stuff by the peeps at SSSR.

(sorry, all links to youtube)

Part 1 – FKO
Part 2 – The Long Vein of the Law
Part 3 – Swan Meat

*edit* found a website for the band here



Didn’t Greenday do a trilogy of music vids. I think Cannuck artist Masari did this as well. One vid leads to the next. Solid idea.


SSSR has a web site? or any info page? any interview?


I can’t find a website for SSSR. They are repped through Passion pictures, that’s all the web presence they seem to have. If anyone knows of more, surely let us know.


They released the a neat little CD/DVD package called Wishingbone.
It is nice that SSSR gets front billing on the package.

And “F*ck Kelly Osbourne” is in the lyrics, so it is no rumor.


sssr’s bellx1 video was my favorite of last year.

no fat clips has a nice compilation, including their new zune ad (impressive compositing, of course)


OMG, so glad you guys featured Subtle and these animations. Seriously, not only is the band amazing, but their whole arts packages are innovative, classic, and super-cool all at the same time. So much so that they make me describe them like a 14 year old girl.

The DVD is definitely worth owning. And Subtle will be touring with TV on the Radio soon (and even sooner on the West Coast by themselves)

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