Hershey’s Delicious Chocolate Animation by Aardman (Via Ventilate)

Hershey’s Delicious Chocolate Animation by Aardman (Via Ventilate)



Erick G.

Aardman animation with Nice shoes slate? What’s up with that?


nice, reminds me goplana commercial from platige:


there’s also case studioes at realoflow.com

Fat Butcher

If this IS Aardman, it looks unusually cheap. The fluidity and transitions look a little shoddy (notice the last transition before the brand shot – looks like an After Effects ripple preset) and the product is shown in its liquid state, which seems odd for something you buy and consume as a solid. I didn’t feel the tiniest pang of chocolate craving during this spot, which doesn’t hold a candle to Aardman’s claymation Crunchie ad of decades back.

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