Zwei Sterben by Marc Ruhl

This simple and sweet meditation on Death, has, ironically, put a big smile on a my face in the middle of a humdrum working day.


It is filled with delightful things (check out the animated tears, the legs of the live action characters in the first scene, and so on. The acting was pretty decent too, but the best part is the TWIST at the end of the story.

Visit the site for full credit list, and for Marc’s other short films. You can also watch it on Vimeo, here.

Well done, Marc! Looking forward to see what else you’d come up with when your student days are over!

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About the author

Lilian Darmono

Born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia, Lilian moved to Singapore and eventually Australia for her studies, eventually graduating from Swinburne NID in Prahran, Melbourne. She then worked in print design before deciding to switch to the field of Motion Design in late 2003. Her obsessions include travelling, illustrating, and cats. She is currently in the London leg of her 'Mograph Tour Around The World', and calls Melbourne home.