The strange tale of Skhizein

This may be old news to some, but I noticed Jérémy Clapin and Stéphane Piera’s 2008 Oscar contender ‘Skhizein’ has yet to receive any Motionographer attention. So here it is in full. A curious tale indeed yet so quintessentially quirky and French, it’s a joy to behold full of original ideas and visual cleverness not to mention rock solid art direction and admirable follow-through in all aspects of the execution.

Available here to buy on DVD with an insightful making of. Bon appetit!



A curious tale indeed yet so quintessentially quirky and French …

A marvel.


Doesn’t matter if is old, become online recently and deserves to be in front page of motionograher. I love it
I added it to the selection of 70ideas also.. even it is from 2008

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