“Sputnik,” a short film by Maxim Zhestkov

Throughout the years, Maxim Zhestkov has managed to remind you that no matter how good you are, there will always be another who shines slightly stronger. And his latest short “Sputnik” is no exception.

Out of Ulyanovsk, Russia, he stuns viewers around the globe with a crisp eye and pristine style powered by a confident vision. You’ll want to watch this film a couple of times in a row, so get comfortable.

Making Of

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Director / Designer / Producer:  Maxim Zhestkov
Compositing: Alexander Kulikov
Animation: Dmitrii Kolpakov
Character design: Ben Mauro
Mo-cap actor:  Yaroslav Andronov
FX artist: Artur Gadzhiev
Character CG producer: Maxim Miheenko
Character artist: Konstantin Illin
Additional character artist: Nikita Replyanski
Foley artist: Ivan Savelyev
Foley recording: Anna Cigarkova
Sound design / music: Alexander Plotnikov

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Minim Mestkoff

“has managed to remind you that no matter how good you are, there will always be another who shines slightly stronger. And his latest short “Sputnik” is no exception”

I’d love a drag of whatever that is you guys are smoking.
This did absolutely nothing to me, nice noisy renders and a smeagol spinoff.

Lets blindly keep on admiring whatever that Zhestkov kid is doing nowadays, ok?


“Envy is an emotion which occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it.”

Edgar Espinoza



Harsh critism there Minim. I thought the film was beautifully made, and paced very well. It was like the beginning of an epic Sci-Fi movie. Its difficult to tell a detailed Sci-Fi story in 5 minutes.

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