Jon Gorman

All-Australian update… And one that isn’t.

I'm still busy, busy, busy, so my apologies for not going into these pieces as much as I should. So,…

18 years ago

Logan is unstoppable.

The whole Motionographer Crew is pretty burned out at the moment, but we're summoning the energy for some juicy new…

18 years ago

Dvein goes Offf

You might have heard it previously mentioned that the OFFF '06 title sequence by Dvein was something pretty special. I…

18 years ago

Ilya Abulhanov (AKA ilesc) has updated his site. Fantastic work!

Ilya Abulhanov (AKA ilesc) has updated his site. Fantastic work!

18 years ago

Umeric – New Site, MTV Australia Video Music Awards 2006

Edit: Oops, Onur and I got carried away and did a double post. So we merged them. Umeric, one of…

18 years ago

Big Spaceship does motion work? Wow. (via Newstoday)

Big Spaceship does motion work? Wow. (via Newstoday)

18 years ago

Buck LA X-Play, First Boards Awards.

Try saying that 3 times fast. I'm really sick, so this will only be short: Buck LA presents G4 Networks'…

18 years ago

Qube [Melbourne, Australia] seeks freelancers.

You might remember Qube from earlier posts like the Noise and Yaris spots (look at the site). Anyway, they are…

18 years ago

RESFEST call for entries early dealine less than 2 weeks away!

RESFEST call for entries early dealine less than 2 weeks away!

18 years ago