If we are talking about design, I’d have to say that this video exemplifies two of the best little pieces of advice when it comes to design. First is KISS, which we all know means ‘keep it simple stupid’, and the other, which may be more obscure is, ‘if it’s not working, turn it upside down’. You will know what I mean when you watch the video. I thought this video was really interesting. There’s not a ground breaking wow-factor gimmick to the visuals, it’s just a nice concept, with a clever visual twist that I hadn’t really seen used, which all makes for a refreshing little piece of work. Using actual objects to throw the shadow in the shot, and then tracing the shape with flat color was a nice and subtle effect worth noting. The animation is somewhat unique also. Somewhat broken, definitely irregular, but consistent enough that it’s not distracting, and holds your attention. I like how there seems to be surges of photo sequences resulting in almost smooth motion, and then not. Click 3x said they put almost 8000 images into this. Yikes. That’s quite a task. Not to mention rotoing the shape in all 8000 of those images.
I’d love to get my hands on of those oddly shaped aqua thingamabobs. They’re hot, especially upside down.