There is something brewing which may be of some interest to those down-under. Sam Coombes, Marketing Manager at MTV Networks Australia, sent us some info on a very interesting competition starting up in Australia at the moment.
” MTV, Optus and Sony Ericsson have a project that has just kicked off called Optus ONE80PROJECT, Qube Konstrukt has done the graphics and LPIP has produced the website. More importantly it’s a great opportunity for all those people that pester me with ideas for TV series to get one made.
Go to ONE80PROJECT.com.au to register and download the entry kit, submit your 3 minute pilot for a TV drama series and your concept. There will be 2 winners chosen who will work with the MTV production team turning their 3 minutes into a fully fledged 1 hour of TV drama. The hour will then run on MTV Australia and with the potential of becoming an ongoing series.”
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. there are other prizes like TV’s, phones and so forth provided by Sony too. A lot of the Motionographer crew are, or have recently been, students – so we love hearing about this kind of stuff aimed at people trying to break into the industry.
On a purely Motion Graphics note, Cream o’ the Crop-er’s Qube did the Print and Motion design for the project. They also have a new reel and kickarse count-in leader up on their site if you missed the quickie post a while back.