Creative collective Punga just added to the extensive list of art works for the Zune-arts project that was created and directed by 72andSunny. Their animation looks like what Tim Burton would do if he came across some vinyl toys. A simple and cute narrative about a friend that rips half of his own heart out just to be with his deceased bear buddy. The creators focused on the Buddhist idea of “death as change, not as an end, but as a beginning” and to “try to laugh about it, instead of being scared of it”. The execution of this animation keeps it light and embodies the idea that they are trying to portray without being weighed down by what could easily be creepy or solemn subject matter.
Clearly the team at Punga had fun creating this, and it shows in this animation. Also, being set to the beats of Ratatat certainly help the coolness factor for this spot.
Check it here. Click on the two bears.
While at the Zune site, if you haven’t seen them yet, the rest of the musically inspired art is definitely worth scoping.