This beautiful open, by Version 2, was created for the 2007 AICP show that was held at the MOMA in New York on June 5th. Designed to the style of old surrealists like Magritte, this open is gracefully executed with a great sense of depth and smooth movement throughout.
Here is what they had to say about their process, “The environments were primarily digital matte paintings, created in Photoshop and then imported into Autodesk Inferno … The 3D was created in both Cinema 4D and Maya and combined with numerous 2D After Effects elements. To create depth on the foreground objects, everything was projected in Inferno onto 3D geometry.”
Also, Version 2 created a different animation for each show category, here are a few:
Single Commercial | Copywriting | Humor | Graphic Design
There are twenty-one categories in total, so go to Version 2’s site to view them.