LOGAN for Metal Gear Solid 4

Metal Gear Solid 4 video game intro written, produced & directed by Logan.

Opening movie by LOGAN

Original Concept: Alexei Tylevich & Hideo Kojima
Written by Katya Tylevich
Directed by Alexei Tylevich
Produced by Frederic Liebert & Alexei Tylevich
Assistant Producer: Tina Chiang
Director of Photography: Roman Jakobi
Editor: Volkert Besseling@Mørk&Lys
Music: Michael Kadelbach & redCola
Line Producer: Michael Angelos
Costume Design: Amy Brownson

Executive Producer: Kevin Shapiro


Lead artist: Josh Cortopassi (modeling, animation, compositing)
Lead artist: Trentity DeWitt (modeling, animation)
Lead artist: Johnny Lum (modeling, animation)
Lead artist: Shige Mizoi (modeling, animation, compositing)
Lead artist: Emil Petrov (modeling)
Lead artist: Sei Sato (modeling, animation, compositing)
Lead artist: Sean Starkweather (design, animation, compositing)
Lead artist: Kevin Stein (design, animation, compositing)
Joseph Chan (animation, compositing)
Mike Fisher (modeling, animation, rendering)
Eli Guerron (rendering)
Norris Houk (modeling, animation)
Brinton Jaeks (animation, compositing)
Erik Lee (character animation)
John Musumeci (character animation)
Adam Newman (rendering)
Evan Parsons (animation, compositing)
Matthew Rotman (particle animation)
Chris Soyer (particle animation)
Kaori Takahashi (modeling, roto)
James Wang (design, animation, compositing)
Terry Wang (modeling, animation)
Rumiko Yokoyama (modeling, roto)


Ryan Alexander
Theo Alexopoulos
Julien Brami
Matthew Encina
Kevin Ferrara
Karl Fornander
Ryan Gibson
Josh Herrig
Bill Higgins
Erica Hornung
George Katz
Daniel Koenig
Stephan Kosinski
Randy Little
Zach Lo
Mathew Maners
Ryo Mikai
Andrew Parris
Kaz Sato
Yuta Shimizu
Adam Smith
Benoit Vincent
Vincent Wauters
Shannon Wiggins


Flame Artist: Jan Ciellers
Flame Artist: Carsten Dietz
Flame Artist: Brandon Sanders


David Kamp

wow, impressive. i like it a lot!


Nice, floor does some weird stuff at the beginning tho ;P


Watched all of them and there all great in there own way. Also as an overall concept. Think my fav. was 7th circle. The acting and the comping was really nice.


Really nice work, as usual, from Logan. Design and cinematography was fantastic. Animation pacing was great. Wonderful type work, too. That sardonic Logan humor that I love was in full effect.

My only thought is that some of them could have been edited better. Several either dragged pacing-wise, or I had to watch them a couple of times to understand what was going on.

jack westburg

I enjoyed the execution but not the content =(. The spots just don’t get me excited about MGS. Excluding Otselotovaya Khvatka and Ocean of Gossip, they’re just a big “WTF.” Probably just my western hemisphere eyes putting a slant on something targeted at the eastern hemisphere.


Yeah, I don’t “get” it. Is this because I have never played the games? Are all of these references to elements in a game? Maybe one that is a little more introductory would make more sense.

Spot on execution. The line between vfx and mograph houses is almost gone.


Another thing that I liked that I forgot to mention above. Great casting and direction of the actors. The performances were good – and that’s usually an area where mograph places fall down.

Miquel Gelabert

to Jack:

The theme about these pieces is the fictional promotion of in-game fiction brands, international war-business corporations. Beyond that, the real message is a big critic and exageration to actual occidental (especifically American) television, real-world advertising, etc. used to improve the social aceptation of injustified warfare etc. These are themes very related with the background of MGS series.

Ken Lee

I love these pieces. The compositing style and direct address of the actors to the camera remind me of Return to Zork. Return to Zork was able to capture a type of creepiness that was also humorous, which these spots captured. The bleek and dark vision of the future also reminded me of the videogame Syndicate, where cyborgs roamed the streets and battled one another. Basically, I was a big fan of 90s computer games where videomakers relied on content more than visual effects. I’m sure where the game is going, but I really enjoyed these spots.


Does the game feature real actors? I thought it was CG only…


The game itself only has voice actors. A random Logan spot is played at the beginning of the game which as Miquel pointed out, contains references to specific themes and motifs in the game but has no relation to the plot itself.


They’re cool, but they seem like a bit of a wank. As is said above, doesn’t get me excited about metal gear :/


Hats off. These spots have me excited about motion graphics again. The most innovative work I’ve seen in 5 years.


In context of the game these are a slice of genius. They all relate pretty well to the game. It’s basically a parody of our world and it’s very creepy since it’s a very sharp reflection. You can also change the channel in the game by pressing up and down, so you actually channel surf in the intro of the game. It basically sets you into the world the characters are in, but ties into the games themes of PMC’s, war economy, and the Snakes.


Merc is right on, 5 of the commercial spots are for a privatized military corporation named Outer Haven, and the 5 spots are for the main 5 bosses, code named Beauty and the Beast. The rest are takes on the old games, such as the Bombshelter Buffet is a parody on the hunting/eating element from the 3rd game.


Very well done.
Reminded me of those commercials in Robocop.


Really amazing range of work on this one. But where are the credits for this massive job? Usually there’s a credits list posted as well for big jobs like these. It’d be a shame to hide the names of all the people that made these come to life. Post the credits!

patrick defasten

what an elegant ad campaign for a great videogame.




Loving the game. Loving these films.


this was pretty inspiring to watch. makes me want to try harder.

Brian Gossett

Ha, love the cameo by Alex in Bombshelter Buffet. Great work guys, the game is pretty sick too!


In light of how the Military tries to recruit with graphics-heavy commercials and video games, this seems more serious than it would in a move. I wonder if Logan has been approached for military service before.


so friggan amazing.


Really impressive work

Minneapolis Video

I love this stuff. Thanks for this!


The game has 4 “beauty and the beast” members, who are super soldiers with a PMC (Private Military Corporation) at their personal disposal.

Each boss, and their respective PMC is named after the animal they resemble: Laughing Octopus, Crying Wolf, Raging Raving, and Screaming Mantis. That’s why each add features one of those 4 animals more or less prominently.

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