Live Good Video

Let me start off by saying this was posted as a quickie way back when so forgive me if you have seen it, but it is deserving of a little Motionographer spotlight treatment.

When I first started playing this music video of the band Naive New Beaters and saw a handheld shot of a pink hat emblazoned with a rainbow, I thought, “Oh man, not another hipster video.” Thankfully though I didn’t give up watching there and was delightfully surprised with the trickery performed by directors Megaforce (sorry, this is all I could find of them at the moment).

Although the execution of this video doesn’t hold up by way of craftsmanship due to a lot of poor keying (which from the style of the video seems to be intentional) the camera tricks and presumably extensive preproduction are something that would make Gondry proud. Just for fun try and follow the practical methods in which every transition is executed.

Yes, there is nothing here that you haven’t seen in an old HP spot or a trick that Gondry has shown before, but the pure effort, planning and execution involved in this three and a half minute long video using a seamless camera is just plain impressive.

Thanks to Rutger Smelt for putting this back on our radar!