Welcome to Motionographer’s new Students feed. Whether you’re still in school or simply a newbie to the world of motion design, this area will serve as both an introduction and a place for continuing dialogue about issues that affect you.
The Students feed will:
- showcase outstanding student work from around the world
- feature interviews with professionals who share their insiders’ perspective on the industry
- point to top-notch resources and tutorials to help you learn faster and work smarter
- house original Motionographer content on a wide variety of topics
On a personal level, I’m deeply invested in education. I went back to grad school so that I could someday be a teacher of motion design. This area of the site is dear to my heart, and I hope to fill it with compelling content that fosters a fruitful understanding of motion graphics and design.
As always, you can submit work to Motionographer at submit@dev.motionographer.com. Make sure to include your name, school and degree of study.