Johnny Kelly of Nexus Productions follows up his award winning student piece procrastination with a piece for Adobe which is just as artful. Using part 2D animation part papercut stop motion he brings an apple seed to live and follows it though it’s natural journey. Yay Recycling!
The whole animation is executed flawlessly, but I especially like the stop motion part inside the body. After all the paper modelling, Johnny and Elin, who worked on the paper modelling “now have fingertips so tough we can pick up hot coals with our bare fingers.”
The spot was produced for Goodby, Silverstein and Partners and will be featured in the CS4 launch campaign.
Director: Johnny Kelly
Producer: Christine Ponzevera
Executive Producers: Chris O’Reilly & Charlotte Bavasso
Production Company: Nexus Productions
Production Manager: Jo Bierton
Music: Jape
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein and Partners
Creative Director: Keith Anderson
Associate Creative Director: Tony Stern
Associate Creative Director: Frank Aldorf
Art director: Karishma Mehta, Johan Arlig
Copywriter: Gregory Lane, Payonzeck
Interactive Producer: Stella Wong
And a nice making of video (thanks, Babe)