We’ve added two new speakers to the F5 lineup: 1st Avenue Machine and Elan Lee.
You probably know 1st Ave. from their numerous postings on Motionographer. Ever since they busted onto the scene with their distinctive blend of storytelling and high-end CG, they’ve been on everyone’s radar. Lately, they’ve expanded their operations to include new directorial voices and an even broader scope of projects.
Elan Lee is considered by many to be one of the foremost Alternate Reality Gaming designers in the world. He has been featured in WIRED magazine, The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, and the Wall Street Journal for his ground-breaking ideas in entertainment and gaming.
Check out the full lineup of speakers on the F5 site. We’ve done our best to present a mix of top talent from across a range of related disciplines. The best artists aren’t easily pigeonholed; the same should be true for the best events.