Artificial Paradise, Inc by JP Frenay


In Artificial Paradise, Inc, Belgian director JP Frenay forecasts an eerie future for humankind in this experimental film that is glowing with CG polish and abstract imagery.



Amazing. Some of the most beautiful use of cgi I think I’ve ever seen. Congratulations on onedotzero and siggraph. Definitely deserved.


Indeed. Very slick. Really brightened up my morning.


How is this just a quickie?? Beautiful work! I’d love to hear more about the process behind it-


All slick CG is automatically a quickie until a few years down the road when it becomes in-vogue again. At that point all stop-motion will be relegated to quickie status and the circle of life continues.

von pixel


Don’t forget Cutesy style feel good character animation. It will be replaced by the classic swirl again.


So amazing…. it makes me feel like just giving up. Killer work! I agree frq, this is more than just a quickie, it’s GOD-like.


this is jaw dropping.
i LOVE the jerky, stop-motion feel around 1:30. IMO, one of the most visceral and evocative moments as the result of one technique interpreting another.
awesome work.

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