Roger rebrands Nicktoons

Picture 11

Roger rebrands Nicktoons. with the help of Nirvana and some crazy particle action.

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This totally blew me away! Awesome.

Simon Robson

Nice work, but can someone tell me, have Roger just used ‘Smells like…’ for their montage or is this seminal track being used by Nicktoons as part of their rebrand? I really really really hope it’s just the former…


Good visuals but none of it really feels “right” for Nickelodeon.. especially framing it around a Nirvana track.

Maybe I’m just too nostalgic for the 90s.


I hate it. It looks like a sports network. All the explosion effects are too literal. the animation is just not innovative enough. I really think its a step down. Sorry.


this doesn’t feel like nicktoons imo


such a talented crew working for this,
yet the only reason this should be shown on motionographer is how very bad art direction can make us all look bad, if I was any one of these guys I’d ask Roger to take my name off the credits.

And props for using realflow, or NOT.


Wow, really all over the place. Impressive chops, but what about cohesion? And sorry I’m not a Nicktoon-watcher, so forgive my ignorance, but that orange “hulk”-type guy about a third of the way in – does that say “C4D” on his chest?


This is a total disconnect for me. Who is the audience for Nicktoons?? I would have thought 5-9 year olds or thereabout? This feels like it’s directed at 20-40 year old men. And yeah, same question about the Nirvana track…While the skill and technique is obviously there, this is a total miss for me.


This is awesome and kids will absolutely go crazy for it. If it doesn’t connect with you then you’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a kid and I feel sorry for you.

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