Coalition of the Willing is an animated film about an online war against global warming in a post-Copenhagen world. Between the start of February and the beginning of June 2010, Coalition of the willing was released in sections, now the final film is ready for your viewing pleasure.
Headed by Knife Party aka Simon Robson, the film has been crafted by artists and filmmakers using an array of eclectic techniques.
To celebrate the launch, there will be a launch event this Wednesday, June 30th. In London hosted by Nexus and Berlin hosted by Sehsucht Berlin and Parasol Island. We have 20 tickets to give away to the London launch. tickets will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. please send your request by 5pm on tuesday to
Feel free to just drop by the launch event in Berlin at CSA Bar, Karl Marx Allee 96, 10243 Berlin, 19:30h.