DANIELS Create An Explosive Drunken Video for The Hundred in the Hands

Directing Duo : Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan aka DANIELS Create An Explosive Drunken Video for The Hundred in the Hands

I posted a video that the two Daniels directed a while back. They just completed this new video, the simple story of a girl who vomits fireworks after a party bender. I really enjoy the match cuts and in-camera work that actually makes you feel as if you are just as wasted as she is.

We are really excited to see where Daniels goes from here!

Directed by DANIELS
Producer: Gaetano Crupi
Director of Photography: Jackson Hunt

In association with
Machina Pictures
Pretty Bird
Warp Films
Copyright of Warp Records Limited all rights reserved 2010

For more from DANIELS: vimeo.com/channels/daniels




Great work, unique style… but you only posted the other DANIELS video in May.
A WHILE back? A “while” to me is maybe a year or 6 months. It seems that everything moves so damned fast in this business that no one takes the time to smell the roses. Everything becomes “so yesterday” the very moment it gets released… Anyone else feel this way? That motion graphics has just become fleeting fashion and not lasting design?

Matt Lambert

I definitely don’t see this as being motion graphics in any way


I think you (hoeveler) are lumping all motion graphics together. There are at least two types of motion graphics (probably more): those done for a commercial project, and those done for other reasons, such as art or storytelling, etc.

Motion graphics done for commerce are almost entirely disposable. They are done to appeal to a segment of the population at a particular point in time. They represent a “slice” of whatever happens to be going on commercially, culturally, or stylistically at that moment. They aren’t supposed to have a shelf life or be enduring, they are supposed to sell a product and get the job done. That said, it’d be nice if they DO have artistic value and a shelf life that makes them timeless, but anyone who makes the art the priority isn’t really serving the needs of the client first. Complain all you want about how they are disposable, but that doesn’t really matter in the end. Commercial motion graphics is almost always fleeting fashion.

Motion graphics created for art I think do also (sometimes) represent a slice of whatever happens to be going on at the moment, but I think they have more responsibility to be timeless in both their visual styles and their story. A good story doesn’t age as quickly as a thirty second seasonal car commercial.Take a look at that “Between Bears” piece up top, its a perfect example of an artistic piece that is going to last a looooooooong time.

Lamenting the speed that we all consume and forget mograph is a bit of a baseless curmudgeon remark. If you come to this website expecting to see new material every time you visit, then you yourself are perpetuating the rapid turnover of mograph. People want to see new stuff, and in order to make room to see the new stuff the old stuff has to be pushed down the page. Thats life. It isn’t good or bad, it just is.

Matt Lambert

Absolutely love it! Great energy and love the thought that went into the camera work and transitions — another example of ways to push work conceptually and technically independent of the budget.


Was hesitant to watch this at first from the frame presented.
All in all, it wasn’t bad.
The shot where she’s floating through the air with back arched was reminiscent of the slow-mo bareknuckle fight scene in Snatch. (not implying anything, just saying). The music isn’t bad either.


love these guys work! So fresh, so simple … and the editing does the rest!


it definitely makes a big difference if you use a particle-system or do it by hand. I have to say great video, even if I’m a bit jealous.


Some of the fireworks stuff near the end was a bit hokey, otherwise pretty good.


excellent work all around

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