Sehsucht: MTV “Close and Caring”

Sehsucht: MTV Close and Caring.

About the author

Matt Lambert

NYC / London



making of??? for what? whats so great about this piece? oh right, mate steinforth… who’s just incase a writer in motionographer as well, come on guys, censor this comment, QUICK.

So you would really say, this piece is not worth mentioning?


how about “the reason this piece has been mentioned and privileged to be exposed by motionographer is due to personal favors among the staff of this website”

Stephen Fitz

I’m glad we’ve got “Guest” patrolling the internet and exposing the vast corporate conspiracy at work on this site.


no personal favors are given by the Motionographer authors. It’s even the other way around, we tend to be reluctant in posting stuff that is made by Authors. Nobody is propping there own work, it’s just a good piece. And there’s a making of made of it, so what? I’ve seen worse:

Menno Fokma

I love it, thanks for sharing! Why all this negativity, and if you want to give negative feedback (which is good and welcome off course as long as it constructive in a way) share your name at least.


Negativity? what happened to free speech and saying whats on your mind? why is it a taboo to say this piece has been published thanks to the relation of Mate steinforth and ? and my name? what for?  what personal good would it do me as an artist to wave my name around this website criticizing one of the writers work?

let me critic why it’s not that great.
1) Universal everything did the hair thingy with furry and even CUTER creatures for MTV a while ago, concept was way better and production too.

yet they still didn’t wave around the “making of” , usually, the idea of making of is when you do something GROUNDBREAKINGLY AWSOME, or when you’ve been asked to by a lot of people… 

2) TD of Hair, among the rest of the spot was obviously done in rush, it seems very stiff, and very unnatural.

3) feeling…. it didn’t make me feel ANYTHING, just eye candy, pure as that, great background design, great compositing, but does it really all that takes?


Your retarded – Thats my critic

This piece is nice, Sehsucht Sehsucht deserves the exposure, they rock. 


come on guys, this peace is definitely worth mentioning… much more that others.

Chris Smallfield

really really nice, looks very cuddly. Great character design.

Chris Smallfield

really really nice, looks very cuddly. Great character design.

Mate Steinforth

We try to do Making Of’s of all our productions. We’re not trying to say we’re doing things that have never been done, but just to share some impressions of our progress.

Besides, The Making Of isn’t even mentioned here? Let’s change this: http://www

Oh well, gotta love the interwebs. Over on vimeo it’s all overly positives, here on Motionographer there’s always the one troll critiziging everything.I know I shouldn’t even been adding anything to this thread, but it’s too hard to resist…

Mariano von Trani

Hi Mate, Vimeo is great but the thing you declare as purely positive is it`s biggest drawback – ever noticed you never find any “critical” comments there, I fear those people are simply shying away…if you think that`s a  good thing…

Mate Steinforth

Hey Mariano,

I actually meant that as a constructive critique towards the vimeo community. So, yes, I second your doubt.

Guest 2

Dear Guest,

were you rejected by motionographer or something…? You do sound a little bitter. People get to choose what to like and what not. When I don’t like something, lets say like a painting in a museum, I dont go in the middle of the room screaming: WHHAAT?? WHY IS THIS IN A MUSEUM?? WHYY?? ARE YOU ALL CRAAZYYY!??? I just walk away and enjoy something else…not trying to convince anyone about my opinion. This place has shared so much stuff in the past, that are worth mentioning that makes me not question its integrity. This piece was even featured in the quickies section. And the making of in the Sehsucht vimeo channel… I think you are overeacting just a tad.

Best Regards
Guest 2

Guest 2

Dear Guest,

were you rejected by motionographer or something…? You do sound a little bitter. People get to choose what to like and what not. When I don’t like something, lets say like a painting in a museum, I dont go in the middle of the room screaming: WHHAAT?? WHY IS THIS IN A MUSEUM?? WHYY?? ARE YOU ALL CRAAZYYY!??? I just walk away and enjoy something else…not trying to convince anyone about my opinion. This place has shared so much stuff in the past, that are worth mentioning that makes me not question its integrity. This piece was even featured in the quickies section. And the making of in the Sehsucht vimeo channel… I think you are overeacting just a tad.

Best Regards
Guest 2

Jon Malkemus

The majority of the contributors on Motionographer are super crushers. Jon Saunders, Brian Gosset, Jake Sargent, Mate Staneforth, just to name a few. These guys are all stars. People only wish they had their talent. If their work wasn’t posted here because of their contributions / affiliation to this site, well then motionographer wouldn’t be what it is today. 

Great work Mate. Haters gonna hate. 


Love it!.. Great work Mate + Sehsucht.. 


Lovely piece


LOVE LOVE LOVE the matte painting.  Great color.

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