BLR: Keloid

BLR’s trailer for Keloid looks promising. And a bit terrifying.

Prologue: X Men

Director Simon Clowes shared some valuable insight on the title sequence with Motionographer: The majority of these big budget movies have elaborate visual effects and… Read more

Tokyoplastic: Princess

Tokyoplastic re-imagines a classic fairytale setup for the Whistler Film Festival and agency Dare.


Wanda has launched its new website.

Tendril: Composition in Red

New studio Tendril shares their Fischinger-inspired logo exploration with us. Sound by John Black of CypherAudio.

Out of Sight

Out of Sight on Vimeo. So this is a year old, but it’s still wonderful, and I can’t believe it’s slipped through my posting schedule.… Read more

Tribute to Drive

A killer tribute to the film Drive, from Paris-based duo Tom Haugomat & Bruno Mangyoko.