This is only the second time that the annual Playgrounds Digital Arts Festival in The Netherlands teams up with Submarine Channel to host a “warming up” edition of the event in Amsterdam. Playgrounds vs Submarine Channel happens on 20 November at a bigger and fancier location in the heart of Amsterdam, whereas Playgrounds continues ‘solo’ as usual in Tilburg for two days on 22 and 23 November.
Playgrounds has over the years earned a reputation for its refreshing programming, which mainly consists of artists talks and screenings. The festival always seems to focus on that magical synergy between people and their inspirations. But it’s ultimately about creative people and studios sharing their experiences on how to harness that wild beast called creativity. Whether you create visual effects for Hollywood blockbusters, or an appartment-sized Rube Goldberg machine from scraps, it’s about putting your heart and soul into whatever it is that you do, and “enjoying the process.” That just about sums up the Playgrounds experience.
Headligning the line-up this year are two major Hollywood VFX studios, Industrial Light and Magic and Digital Domain. Also flying in from L.A. are title designer-cum-feature film director Henry Hobson (previously of Prologue), the fun-loving directing duo Daniels and smooth talking Daniel Burwen of Cognito Comics. European guests are BAFTA-winner Mikey Please, ident designers ManvsMachine, Sil van der Woerd with Blade Runner star Rutger Hauer, Peppermelon, David Wilson, Vimeo award-winner Jurjen Versteeg, and many more.