Illuminate by Nicolas Ménard

Nicolas Ménard brings us Illuminate, a music video for Tourist featuring Years and Years and his first piece under Nexus Productions. Following his recent Young Guns 12 win and the success of his moving short Somewhere, with an excellent sensibility and eye for form, Ménard’s newest piece brings us on an abstract journey of miscommunication that is uniquely his own.

From Ménard:
It’s been a real blast to direct Tourist’s ‘Illuminate’ music video. Not only because it’s such a playful, awesome sounding track, but also because Will was keen to jump straight into the weird abstract universe I’d suggested. It’s also been really fun to play with the idea of translating a poem into Korean; a little metaphor for miscommunication in a relationship. I’m looking forward to seeing whether people dig out those cryptic messages..!

You can view more on Tumblr here:




Production Company: Nexus
Direction and Design: Nicolas Ménard
Executive Producer: Luke Youngman
Producer: Beccy McCray
Production Coordinator: Natalie Henry
Editing: Nicolas Ménard

Animation Crew:
Nicolas Ménard
Anne-Louise Erambert
James Hatley
Isaac Holland

With thanks to:
Lara Lee, for translation

Track: Illuminate
Artist: Tourist feat. Years and Years
Label: Polydor
Commissioner: Emily Tedrake & Jacob Robinson

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About the author

Joe Donaldson

Joe Donaldson is a director, designer, and animator who worked on Motionograpgher from 2014-2020. Previously, he was an art director at Buck. Over the past decade, he's lived and worked in Chicago, New York City, and Los Angeles and has directed work for clients such as Apple, Google, Instagram, The New York Times, Unicef, Etsy, and The New Yorker. In addition to his creative work, in 2018 he started Holdframe. He's now working as a professor at Ringling College of Art and Design and when not teaching he can be found spending time with his family or out running.