Broadcast on the ikonoTV’s live stream and shown in selected venues worldwide, the on-air exhibition Digital Canvas (May 2016) will present a curated selection of outstanding video works by international artists whose research focuses on new media techniques and digital art.
The exhibition will be accessible by every viewer via SmartTV, satellite, or web streaming with any device connected to the Internet www.ikono.tv. In addition, it will be broadcast during special screenings and events in collaboration with partner institutions worldwide.
What is ikonoTV?
ikonoTV is the first television channel broadcasting art and only art 24/7 on HD (via SmartTV, satellite and web streaming). Since 2010, this unique project brings to an increasing number of households on-air curated exhibitions of art films, by working in close collaboration with more than 1000 international artists, over 200 collections, image archives and the most important museums worldwide. By showing art free of any additional commentary and sound, ikonoTV allows an international audience to experience the moving image as a pure form of narration, and reinforces the idea of art as a truly universal and timeless language.
Who can apply?
Artists that specifically make use of digital technologies in their work are invited to apply.
We’re looking for short, non-narrative videos implementing the universal language of image and sound, with no text or dialogue. Documentaries of art works, installations, etc. are not eligible.
How to apply?
Artists interested in submitting their video work should upload their video on Vimeo and email us the link and password with a current CV. If images are used whose copyright belongs to other artists or sources, explicit authorization must be obtained prior to application.
Application Deadline: Midnight, February 28, 2016.
Contact ikonoTV’s curatorial team at submissions@ikono.org
The most outstanding artworks will premiere during the on-air exhibition Digital Canvas and, afterwards, will be shown regularly on ikonoTV.
Artists agree to allow ikonoTV to broadcast their video work and to publish stills, video fragments, or the entire work for the purposes of promotion and social media; ownership is retained by the author and will be acknowledged throughout.
To watch our free stream: www.ikono.tv
To learn about our last on-air exhibition, please visit https://artspeaksout.ikono.tv