Genesis Noir – Teaser

Evan Anthony

Genesis Noir” takes place before, during and after the Big Bang as you race to stop the expansion of the universe and save your love. “A cosmic gunshot expands towards the heart of a god and the player must explore the universe, seeking clues on how creation might be undone.”  Inspired by the world of animation and motion design, “Genesis Noir blends visual storytelling and interaction into one seamless experience”. With its beautiful and unique style, cosmic premise, and generative gameplay, we at Motionographer are very excited to find out more about this game and what is going on over at the Feral Cat Den!

You can find out more info below.

From the creator:

Successfully funded on Kickstarter!

Genesis Noir is a poetic adventure game about stopping The Big Bang to save your love.

A love triangle has gone askew as cosmic beings quarrel in the dark nether of pre-creation. Confrontation and a shot fired. A Big Bang. The birth of the universe, an expanding force of destruction, the Earth a fragment of shrapnel hurtling towards the fragile heart of a god.

Is there a way to stop the expansion and save her?

Explore the universe and seek clues on how creation might be undone. With an emphasis on exploration, simple interactions, and generative art, Genesis Noir tells a cosmic story with tactile gameplay.


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