The Game That Never Was // Trailer

Giant Ant

From the creator:

We had a the great pleasure of working with an un-named (and wonderful) game studio on the design for a new release. The game was ultimately shelved, but [most of] the trailer we made lives on! But only right here on our website.

Client: Shhhhh
Directed by Giant Ant
Producer: Ant Baena + Liam Hogan
Creative Direction: Jay Grandin, Eric Pautz
Art Direction: Eric Pautz
Storyboard: Eric Pautz, Jay Grandin
Design and Illustration: Eric Pautz, Rafael Mayani, Marion Bordeyne, Whitney Lam
Compositing Lead: Diego Maclean
2D 3D & Cel Animation: Diego Maclean, Conor Whelan, Chris Anderson, Shawn Hight, Matt James, Henrique Barone, Nicholas Ferreira 
Main Character Animation: Anthony Vincent, The Sequence Group
Rigging: The Sequence Group
Music & SFX: Ross Wariner, Cody Uhler


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