Welcome to Motionographer, the slightly bigger, slightly better successor of Tween. For the full poop on Motionographer, read the About page or Meet Motionographer.
You may notice some changes in the Cream O’ the Crop. Aside from being on the left side of the page, it’s segmented into several groups. I’m not 100% sure about these segments yet. If you have suggestions, drop us a line.
In moving the Cream from Tween to Motionographer, I was fairly harsh. I cut quite a few studios. Maybe I cut too many. Maybe I didn’t cut enough. We’ll work that out over the next few weeks. If you have a link you think you should be added, please use submit@dev.motionographer.com, otherwise your request will probably be ignored.
I imported a few recent posts from Tween to get things rolling. Tween will remain up and running, but it will no longer be updated.
Okay, that’s it for now. Explore and enjoy. And thanks for visiting.
Massive props to Babe Baker for designing Motionographer, and big ups to all the Motionographer authors for helping with the transition.ÂÂ