The Psst! Pass It On films are online. In case you haven’t heard about this project organized by Bran Doughtery-Johnson (Grow Design Work), it’s a series of six one-minute animated films created by three teams/individuals each.

The idea for the project is based on a collaborative approach known as “exquisite corpse,” wherein the ending chunk of one piece of the film is handed to another artist, who then picks up where the previous artist left off, creating a sort of stream of consciousness approach to filmmaking that often results in surreal surprises.
There’s a great variety of styles and ideas in Psst!, and I’m truly impressed by the sustained level of creativity from all involved. My favorite short (at the moment) is “Easy Action,” probably due its happy marriage of a quirky narrative with beautiful visuals.
Congrats to Bran and everyone who participated on a job well done. The films can be seen at full res on Stash 22.