
If you read my recent post about Splice, you may have noted my whiny tone regarding the dearth of decent CC-licensed audio on the web. Well, a friendly reader directed me to a site called Freesound that actually has a boatload of nice, sharable audio for your mixing/composing/mashing/listening pleasure.


What really sold me on the site was its large collection of field recordings. I don’t know how useful this stuff is for mograph projects, but I find it incredibly relaxing to listen to the strangely unfamiliar sounds of the familiar world around me.

About the author

Justin Cone

Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



Nice! I uploaded a bunch of stuff that I recorded on there for a competition they did a few months back. I came in 3rd place out of about 100 people. Here is my stuff:

You might like my miami beach recording, I find it rather relaxing:


I submitted some of my recordings for a competition a few months back, ended up coming in 3rd place out of 100 people. The previous are links to my recordings. My personal website is


Back at my old college in Orlando, I had a sound design assignment where I had only the Dialogue lines from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, and a Sound sheet for where fx were supposed to be placed and when.

This is the ONLY site i found useful for FREE sound FX where it isn’t a spam site and you don’t have to go through 10 pages and frustration to find out the site you’re looking at is useless.

This place rules, i found zaps, blips, hums, lasers, all kinds of cool stuff. The fact that you can preview the clips in real time is awesome too.

This site is definately one of the best sites out there for ANY sound you’re looking for if you’ve looked everywhere else and have had no luck.


and the field recordings are awesome. I love to listen to ambience sometimes, it’s fun to try and pick out what is where and try to make up an image in your mind from the sounds.

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