This spot for Nissan is a vfx tour de force. I have no idea who did it. Any help would be appreciated.

Some folks online have compared this spot to the Citroen transformer spots. But the Nissan spot has something those Citroen ads don’t have: a concept. It makes much more sense to transform SUVs into beasts that are at home in rugged, off-road environments than it does to transform a car into… well… a Transformer. I suppose you could argue that Citroen was trying to capture the 20-something market, but that rings a little hollow to me.
Also see Stardust’s excellent Nissan work for more transformational magic, albeit en entirely different kind.
Ad agency: TBWA/G1
Director: Lieven Van Baelen
Production Company: Pac Films and Czar Films
Post-production: Mikros Image
Thanks, Seth for the tip on this one!