Simon Moreau, Joris Bacquet and Bastien Dubois, three students of the French CG school Supinfocom, recently posted an awesome short film entitled “AH.” The film takes you on a surreal trip through a Seussian wasteland littered with bits of alphabet soup and half-buried kids. It’s creepy, atmospheric and utterly beautiful.

If your French is decent, you can get a little more info on the official website. My French, incidentally, is non-existent.

About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



man, that makes me want to look at a bowl of spaghetti-o’s or something under a microscope and see what campbells really puts in there….


wow that piece is incredible!


dood, justin and team, your site has been so damn slow for the last week. what the f?


Just sent you an email. We’re getting a new host. And to everyone else, please use feedback@dev.motionographer.com for these kinds of issues, not the comments.


Aside from the incredible CG and art, I want to note how superb the music was…What I like about this is how integrated every element of the piece. The low SFX and hauntingly beautiful sigur/EITS/mono type instrumental really made this one. Can’t wait for more work from these guys, and trying to learn French now! :)

Glenn Riverside

Super tight piece of work. Only thing that put me out was the end credits and how similar it was to the Hollow Man title sequence. (picture mill). Makes me wish they had just left it off or done it some other way because the rest of it was so bloody awesome.



i have to agree… after looking it up, thats a straight knock on picture mills main title. aside from that, what a awesome piece. creepy good.


aah damn this is great.


mmm ok, i give that a good 9 out of 10…. big pum pum.


Hi,firstable excuse my english who must me awful for your eyes.

Thanks for all the great comments you wrote about our short.
About the Hollow man main title we don’t know this thing.
If someone has a link i will be happy to see why it seems to be like our main title sequence.
And for information Wendog,we are working Simon and me on a new short movie.We just begin to writing the story.So keep in touch.
More news soon and an english version of the website…


ps:I would to inform you that if you want our movie for short or CG festival, you can contact our production company —–www.premium-films.com ;)
ps2:Thanks to Justin for put us on the mainpage of motionographer.


This is really a masterpiece. Congratulations…


I enjoyed the heads planted in the ground. It reminded me a lot of What Dreams May Come.. the scene in which they go to hell. Well done! Beautiful all around.


Nice ambience, and the music is great, not what one would choose right away for something as animated as this and involving children . . . very Sigur-Ros-ish.


the music is amazing, and im loving the comatose post-rock inflections. in fact i find the music is so great that im wondering whether it even supplants some of the moments of the great narrative, turning the short into a music video.. some of the editing+camera work feels too rough for the choice of soundtrack (towards the middle section during the shake up sequences) which kind of makes the audio+sound component feel disjointed. i guess i just never associated this kind of sound to this brand of art direction (ie. the 3d character models; and i would have thought more detached, photographic shots throughout the short instead of just in the 1st half, instead of camera shakes and 1&2nd person views in the action scenes), but the results are effective nonetheless.

super bon travail!


awesome work. beautiful on every level. The French seem to have a knack for great CG shorts.


Really excellent work. But tell me one thing…
How do you get a so good video quality using YouTube?

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