Eli Guerron is Osito

Eli Guerron’s montage is more technical than most of the work we post on Motionographer, but it’s wicked polished and infused with a solid design sensibility. Eli’s pretty young (by my standards, at least), but he’s one of those guys who works his gonads off to improve every chance he gets. And it shows.


There’s another important reason I’m posting Eli’s reel. Notice how he lists his roles for each project at the bottom of the screen? This should be standard practice for all freelance/individual reels (regardless of how technical they are). This kind of full disclosure is not only helpful and informative, it’s ethically the right thing to do. I’ve heard of more than one case of people slapping projects into their reels even though all they did was pass by the designer’s desk on their way to the coffee machine and suggest that the deer head be chartreuse instead of pink.

The way I see it, reels are a necessary evil. Evil because they essentially reduce every designer/director/animator/visualist to a 2-minute binge of bite-sized eye candy. Necessary because they do conveniently represent (however distorted those representations might be) individuals and studios in an industry that crowns king he (or she) who can grab the most eyeballs in the shortest amount of time.

So since reels aren’t going away any time soon, let’s at least be up front about what we, as individuals, have done. Let’s be clear about exactly how much influence we had over the end product. I’m not saying that every reel needs to have complete credits running at the bottom like some obnoxious, self-flagellating ticker tape of humility. I’m just saying that Eli’s example is a good one to follow. Simple and easy to implement.

When I recut my reel (which unfortunately is comprised almost entirely of medicore student work), I will do the same. I hope you will, too.

About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



Nooo, now I can’t team up with quality people and pass their work off as mine!!!

I kid I kid, but it is good to see integrity in someone’s work. I hope no one posts that this doesn’t deserve an entry, because the work is still good and worth checking out.

To the last paragraph; quit being so self-deprecating, there’s some quality stuff in that reel of yours. Maybe not insane flashy stuff, but certainly entertaining quality works.

Joe Clay

I don’t think that’s the perfect solution. I much prefer those types of things listed somewhere near, but not in, the reel. It’s too distracting to read the text while watching the reel. I will commend Eli on crafting a slower reel though, so that there’s more time to read and watch.

Of course, in certain reels, such as my own—which I still need to post—I did everything but shoot some of the footage that I received as B-Roll. Of course I also apply for animator positions when I send out my reel, so they probably understand that.

I think that in most cases, it’s enough to place the reel in context.


one of my favorite personal motion sites is carlo vega‘s — clean, and good about documenting roles and crediting collaborators. i love it when people list the other artists that worked on spots, it’s a great way to discover new designers/animators/sound designers/etc.


Yep, and I think it’s rad that Carlo doesn’t even have his reel on his site. (If he even has a reel.)


Ahh, I also forgot to mention a big thing I would like to see along with reels.

The artist – title of the songs in them. Not only do these tracks often add to the reel, I would usually go and buy the song on iTunes if I only knew what it was.

Marc B.

Cool idea!
Joe i dont mind it on the reel. You can watch it once without focusing on the text and then scrub through it again if necessary.


I might be the only one but I disagree.
I think having roles on the reel is a bit distracting(although not particularly in this one), and takes away from the dynamic visuals that the reel is supposed to convey.

If one wants to know what role a particular designer played, he/she can look it up on the designers site, or if need be, inquire about it in detail during an interview.

I just think that if people put shots they didn’t work on on their reel, then they would be pretty comfortable throwing BS roles out there as well. But if you talk to them in person, and ask them to speak, in detail, about their roles, then you’ll find out how involved they really were.


Well said Justin.

I think having your role listed somewhere is being honest to yourself and respectful to others that were involved. This could also help settle some trust issues employer’s have when it comes to bringing someone new on board. Personally, I like Eli’s approach to handling this issue… maybe it just needs to be moved closer to the bottom left.

I also agree with Brett on audio. With all this music at our disposal, in most cases for free, the least we could do is give them credit somewhere.


A lot of creative directors put work on their reel they didnt design or animate…sometimes they werent even at the meeting….I would hold suspect the ones that seem to be in the spotlight the most…They like to pretend their so called visionary attitude just magically made it happen…WAFJ.

amy kuo

HI ELI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cool website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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