Digital Kitchen recently posted a 360 degree panoramic project they did for the MGM Mirage CityCenter in Las Vegas. These projects always require a little imagination to appreciate how they work in context, so the image below may help.

The whole point of the project is to get potential buyers excited about moving into the new CityCenter development. It works as a backdrop—a “talking point” to borrow DK’s verbiage—while agents chat up customers in the showroom area pictured above.
I like that the project alternates between sales pitchy type images (guys golfing, skyline vistas) and more artistic, metaphoric imagery like the opening champagne sequence and the moment when the two lovers are connected by a constellation. From a pure eye candy perspective, the disco ball transition just after the half-way mark must be dazzling in person.
It’s subtle work, mature work—the kind of stuff that makes me admire DK so much. If you spin through their portfolio, you’ll see everything from whizz-bang, trendy stuff to understated, restrained work like this MGM project. Audience is king; design is a means to an end, not the end in itself.