Impactist (a.k.a. Kelly Meador & Daniel Elwing a.k.a. Mare Dowling) created a curious a/v puzzle for the opening of the latest *smilefaucet DVD, Undo. In their words:
With nods to late night literary advertising and a graphical homage to the covers found on Penguin published books, this opening for *smilefaucet, a serial DVD project, desires the viewer to “undo” text presented on the screen. The fictitious book titles shown are anagrams and can be solved using the graphical hints provided adjacent to them. Once solved, the resulting text concerns a contemporary idea or occurrence that many in today’s world may wish they could “undo.”
Like most of Impactist’s work, there’s more to this than at first meets the eye. In addition to creating a series of anagrams (and including a cryptology key to unlock them), Kelly and Daniel also made each of the book covers from wood. The construction of those elements alone is fascinating.
Oh, and they composed the soundtrack, too. When I grow up, I want to be like Impactist.
eatdrink do Undo, too!

While we’re on the subject of *smilefaucet, I thought this would be a good time to mention eatdrink’s quirky, hyrbid submission. You may remember eatdrink’s Observation of the Cat State here on Motionographer. This new project, like that one, shows off the sheer joy they take in simply creating for the sake of creating.
Visit eatdrink
Visit Impactist
Visit the *smilefaucet site
PS — Anyone figure out the anagram in the headline?