Supinfocom alumni Asterokid (Douglas Lassance) and Motraboy (Jonathan Vuillemin) teamed up to create an intergalactic space race that pits FedEx against UPS. Produced by The Mill, where the two filmmakers are currently working, “Galactic Mail” has a simpler look than their previous collaborative effort, “Sigg Jones,” but it shares the same action-packed, fist-slinging narrative sensibilities.
Says Asterokid:
Since deadlines were tight, we tried to approach the character design process in a different way to that used on our previous short “Sigg Jones.” This time we went straight into 3D, working with cubes to get the right proportions and shapes for the characters. This worked well as it enabled us to skip the process of translating 2D sketches in to 3D. Once we were happy with the design, it was ready to go…
“Galactic Mail” is part of The Mill’s continuing initiative to produce in-house short films. It’s a fantastic way for their creatives to stretch their wings, and it allows for a bit of practical R&D that probably benefits the studio on their commercial projects as well.
Check out Asterokid’s Flickr set for some making-of tidbits (including several animation tests on page two).