As a follow up to their previous spot for Israeli telecom company Pelephone, Gravity teamed up with director Eli Sverdlov on another spot full of charm and cheer for agency Adler Chomski & Warshavsky/Grey Israel.
Like “Other World,” “Canons” is reminiscent of director Rupert Sanders‘ penchant for magical realism, but with a decidedly campy twist. The saturated visuals and grin-worthy denouement suggest an alternate reality of storybook proportions, the kind of place that could just as easily fit in a snow globe as it could in your imagination.
I like that level of approachability for something so surreal. It’s a difficult thing to master in 60 seconds of airtime.
Agency: Adler Chomski & Warshavsky / Grey Israel
Production Company: Mulla
Director: Eli Sverdlov
Post Production: Rhino – Gravity Group
VFX Supervisor & Creative Director: Ilan Bouni