Ready Steady Play: Trailer

Hover Studio, the makers of the very entertaining mobile game “Ready Steady Bang,” are releasing a follow up title in June, “Ready Steady Play.” Like… Read more

Q&A: Dark Noir

Maybe there's an approach to crowdsourcing that isn't creatively repulsive or ethically bankrupt. Here's how Red Knuckles, Rafael Grampá and Absolut worked with a few… Read more

Yves Geleyn: Monster in the Closet

Yves Geleyn (Hornet) brings his trademark charm to bear on a chilling subject for States United to Prevent Gun Violence in “Monster in the Closet.”… Read more

Daniel Savage: Helium Harvey

Not sold on the idea of going back to school? Neither was Daniel Savage. The NYC-based designer/director just released his animated short, “Helium Harvey,” a… Read more

Blue Sky does Peanuts

FOX Family and Blue Sky dropped the first trailer for their forthcoming Peanuts film, slated for release on November 6, 2015. From USA Today: The… Read more

Celyn: Vitra “Map Table”

With a charming jewel tone palete and lovingly wrought 2D animation, designer/director Celyn (Nexus Productions) shows how simplicity and complexity can coexist in “Map Table.”… Read more

Gobelin: Sweatness

Gobelins students flex their animation muscles in this ode to getting ripped, “Sweatness.”

Sanghon Kim for France 5

Great abstract character animation in this opener for Duels on France 5 by Sanghon Kim. Animation at Animation lead: Ruben Sellem.

Matthias Hoegg: “Upstairs”

If you haven’t already watched Matthias Hoegg’s latest short, “Upstairs,” now is a good time to sink your eyes into it. If you’ve already seen… Read more

Leftchannel: motion 2013 Opener

Columbus-based Leftchannel has been plugging away for over 10 years, but it’s been a while since we’ve posted them on Motionographer. Their recently launched opener… Read more

Lucas Zanotto: Geile Weine

Director Lucas Zanotto puts a cute spin on the played out “frozen moment” concept for Geile Weine. Fun process images on Flickr.

CRCR: C2C “Delta”

French collective CRCR creates an epic cel animated promo for C2C’s “Delta.” Themes include fear of the unknown, violence and — ultimately — mystical transcendence.

TSB – The Story by Studio AKA

Studio AKA (London) tells the history behind the building of the TSB bank through this beautiful piece. Combining the hand crafted artistry of 2D character animation within… Read more

Gobelins: Myosis

The students of Gobelins strike again. “Myosis” is an existential love story, a lyrical tale of passion and the creative destruction sometimes necessary to stay… Read more


Outstanding piece by Tokyo-based Masanobu Hiraoka, one of the creatives from Je Regarde.