Continuing to dig deeper into character animation after their Cingular Blackjack spot, Shilo recently posted a show open for Action Sports Awards on Fuel TV.
I know many of you will be divided about the 3D style and/or character animation, but personally I dig it. The fisheye lens effect harkens back to the photo spreads of Thrasher magazine that I used to ogle as a kid, and the oversized background elements create a whimsical context that’s a nice departure from the played out, grungified “extreme” approach so often used for this subject matter. Props.
By the way, Andre and Jose of Shilo will be presenting at the Inspire 07 symposium on February 16th hosted by the Savannah College of Art and Design. The event has really blown up, with industry interest from all over the place. I’m really excited about it, and I hope to see you all there.
Design and Production Company: Shilo
Creative Directors: Jose Gomez / Andre Stringer
Director: Shilo
Lead Design: Jose Gomez
Animation: Jose Gomez, Curtis Doss, Jon Lorenz
Lead 3D Design: Cody Smith
3D Animation: Kiel Figgins, Chris Mead, Jorma Auburn, Christopher Adams, Cody Smith, Blake Guest,
Compositor: Curtis Doss, Jon Lorenz, Jose Gomez
Editor: Mike Goubeaux
Production Coordinator: Brooke Marshall
Producer: Jake Hibler
Executive Producer: Tracy Chandler
Network: Fuel TV
SVP & Assistant GM: CJ Olivares
Sr Producer: Todd Dever
Director On-Air Productions: Oren Hatum
Creative Director: Jake Munsey