Brian Cain: Wedding Crashers “The Perfect Girl”

Brian Cain is finishing up his time at the Rochester Institute of Technology, and he decided to throw an intonation project* into his portfolio. Working with Vince Vaughn’s rapid-fire “Perfect Girl” monologue from Wedding Crashers, Brian did a great job keeping pace while managing to throw in a few clever ideas of his own. My favorite bit—in both the original monologue and in Brian’s piece—is the “just the tip” gag. Apparently, I’m still 15 years old.

*For the uninitiated, projects like Brian’s have become standard fare in motion graphics classes. In my experience, they’re most often referred to as “intonation” assignments, because students are challenged to visually represent not just the content of the audio but also the way it which it is expressed—the intonation used by the speaker.

Although the basic concept of representing spoken words verbatim on screen and in real-time is probably almost as old as animation itself, MK12’s 2001 “Brazil Inspired: Macho Box” is often cited as popularizing the style for contemporary motion graphics.

Other examples include:
“Say What Again” by Jarratt Moody
“Feeling Good” by Tamara Gildengers Connolly
“The Lion’s Roar” by Mig Reyes and Matt Born
“Ya no se que hacer conmigo” from Milagrito Films (not student work)

For a higher res version of “The Perfect Girl,” visit Brian’s site.

About the author

Justin Cone

Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.


Marc B.

Where’s Simon Robson when you need him. Saying something like: so what’s the point in posting another “Macho Box” student piece? What does set this apart from all the others already posted here thousands of times.


Thanks for the mention! Totally appreciate it.


Thanks for posting it up. In class the “tip” part didn’t catch until it was seen a second time, which was amusing.


The timing, camera movement, and settle details
were spot on. here is my intonation assignment
i just finished in my MOTION 1 class.


Although the timing is great and the details are there, I still can’t seem to put my finger as to why this is post worthy? What sets it apart from the rest? Its austere effects for me is really not at all uber-motion graphics.


could anyone point me in the right direction as to what software was used in creating this type of movie?

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