Sprint Now Network: Anthem


I love it when everything falls into place, when the hot potato is passed elegantly from hand to hand along the creative chain. When it works, it looks something like this new spot for Sprint, created to launch the broadcast portion of a campaign masterminded by Goodby, Silverstein and Partners.

Continuing along the vein of their previous Sprint work, Superfad rocked the graphics tip in this anthem. The engine of this thing is its impeccable timing—the voiceover, visuals and sound design (Human) move at a confident click that delivers punchlines with tick-tock surety.

The density is just right: enough to justify repeat viewing, but not enough to make you scratch your head.

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About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



ow woo woooo rooo wooooof


This is a really nice info-mation piece but is anyone else worried that Sprint knows the contents of peoples emails & SMS and is proud of this all seeing power!?


Awesome!!! Looks grrrreatttttttttt Good work Team. We made it :)


What the article didn’t say….is that this entire thing happened in 3.5 weeks. From award to ship…including the live action.


Great work guys. So much quality stuff in such little time.


Caught this on TV. You know something is good when you are watching it and not at all bothered that it’s an AD. As said above, the timing in this is awesome. Kind of reminded me of Stranger Than Fiction


first time I saw this I was all gitty! WAAAAAAY better direction for sprint than the dude talking in black and white making youngin’s cringe reminding them that “facebook” has leaked to their parents’ worlds…


what a great ad. i learned and i was amused at the same time. i wish i knew what song that was in the background though.. pretty cool


beautiful, smooth motion throughout — very nice work


great work indeed… however, the taxi section is remarkably similar to a spot I worked on for cingular…. ages ago.


not nearly as polished… but of course this was probably made 7 years ago


shade: u r right.

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