In this ménage à trois of live action, 2D and 3D, directing duo Felix & Paul (through production company TRS) envision a low-tech Minority Report interface to illustrate the pros and cons of nuclear energy. (Lower res English version here.)
This is typically the sort of project that succumbs to the siren call of the One Long Shot school of mograph—but thankfully Felix & Paul stayed the course, using simple cuts to transition from the metaphoric space of pure graphics back to the drawing board (at :31, for example). I know that may seem terribly obvious, but for some reason or another, making a cut is a courageous act in contemporary motion design.
Along the same lines, the two alternate angles of each hand near the completion of the spot break free from the overhead shots preceding them to great effect. It’s a simple but powerful use of metaphor that encapsulates the ambivalence of the narrator.
Client: Forum Nucléaire
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels
Project Managers: Ariane Grosemans, Nicolas Pignatelli
Creative Director: Jan Teulingkx
Copywriter: Damien Veys
AD: Didier Vanden Brande
Head of TV: Paul Vanwijck
Production Company: TRS Brussels
Directors: Felix & Paul
Producer: Mitchel Elsen
Post-Production: Felix & Paul (Montréal), TRSBrussels.com
Music Composer: Chris Christoffels
Audio Post: Think N Talk
Media: TV, Online, Print