2011 Motion Graphic Design Census

We recently posted the results of the 2010/09 Motion Graphic Design Census, which can only mean one thing: It’s time to get the 2011 census underway. Over 600 people have responded so far. Let’s get those numbers higher.

This one is only five questions long, and the whole number crunching bit has been worked out. Honestly.

Once again, kudos to Bran Dougherty-Johnson for putting this all together. Go Bran, go!


About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



The survey only lets you respond with a US address, which is… frustrating.


yea, wondered the same – thought last time it was international…


Will there be an international census?


I hope so, was able to enter the 2010 one.

Bran Dougherty-Johnson

Sorry, this specific census is for the US only. As I said in the note on the 2010 one, doing an international census is actually way beyond our means at the moment. And as much as we’d like to be able to analyze all the data from around the world, I feel it’d be better to look deeper at the US results, splitting up jobs by state or region to see finer results.

I am hoping that motion graphic designers in other countries will pick up the torch and do something similar in their locale. I have volunteers in the UK and Brazil already, with Canada also a possibility … If you’re interested, get in touch.


It would have been an idea to collate responses for whole continents in the census. You could group responses from say, the UK, Germany, Netherlands, France etc into a European results section. As the UK economy is linked so closely to that of other European nations then the average of results collected would still offer a fair and well-informed guideline of the state of motion graphics in Europe? The same could then be done to South America, Northern Aftrica etc

At least non-US residents would get a mention? I know it’s not entirely ideal to group nations together for results like this but it may help to give an idea of the state of motion graphics over a wider area.

The results may be slightly diluted but it’s just a thought.

Bran Dougherty-Johnson

Survey is back up now. Apologies, my webhost ate ALL my sites.

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