RGB6 Updates

RGB6 continue to show just how far outside the box they can think with a grip of new work.

Cassiano updates

London based Brazilian Director Cassiano updates with a fresh design and tasty work, including TIGA’s latest music video “What You Need”

Nelson Balaban

Nelson Balaban updates his portfolio with a clutch of witty work. (Nelson’s working alongside Cisma at Paranoid BR.)

Stefan Venbroek

The unusual and wonderfully singular vision of Stefan Venbroek

Ram Bhat Newness

Great new reel and work from Ram Bhat

Pat DC

New to the freelance world: Patrick Da Cunha

Talli Peled: TalliPeled.com

London Technical Director, Talli Peled, flaunts a big, fat reel that’s bursting at the seams with lighting and vfx shots for the feature film market.… Read more

Navaroe Bureau

Germany based Oliver Navarro Schroeder does it all

Michael Wiehart Launches

After six fruitful years at Superfad’s NYC office, Michael Wiehart ventures out on his own.

Laurent Clermont: Portfolio

French Character Animator, Laurent Clermont, boasts a portfolio full of top-notch animation and character design.

Digital District: Portfolio

Paris-based studio Digital District hosts a sweeping collection of CG, live-action, and graphical finery.

Spinning In Motion

The cerebral motion output of UK design studio Spin

John Fan updates

John Fan updates with new work and a new reel.

Hyesung Park

Nice selection of work in the portfolio of recent SVA grad Hyesung (Sean) Park. Don’t miss the promo for pianist Daniel Barenboim (pictured above).

Filipe Carvalho

Designer/Director Filipe Carvalho updates with a new site and a stylish new reel.